Friday, April 15, 2011

Swing Me a Little

While we are on the subject of art, since that is the theme going on, here is a story that I wrote about dancing and relationships.
Swing Me a Little
By Kabrina A. Lane
            Issac's hand grabbed for Taylor's and spun her close as Taylor's heart dropped to the floor. Issac was such a sweet heart he had been her best friend since fifth grade. “Hey Dolly” flung through the air with a gay  dance like the twinkling of stars as the couples danced a wonderful swing step all around Taylor. “It's so nice to have you back where you belong” floated across the room as Taylor watched Issac twirl and dip Michelle around with ease on his part as she fell all over herself. Taylor looked on with a look of entertainment and happiness, but she wanted to tell Michelle to leave and never come back. “Stupid cheerleader!” Taylor thought to herself. She is only here because she can't stand to see me be good at something and she knows I like Issac, but what can I do?” All she has to do is wear her short skirt and flash a flirtatious smile and he will melt right in her devilish grasp....”
            Taylor looked up at Issac again as the song ended hoping he would tell Michelle he had to dance with HIS dancing partner, her. But to her surprise he didn't tell her that, he walked down the hallway with her hand in hand. “What does he think he is doing?!” Taylor almost screamed. Brett walked over and put one hand on her shoulder with a sense of care and consideration that made her want to turn around and hug him while the tears flowed out uncontrollably. “Didn't you know that Isaac liked Michelle, Taylor?” Brett spoke so timidly. Tears were already welled up in her eyes and she did not want Brett to see her cry, so for a moment she did not speak. “Who is going to be my dancing partner then?” Taylor asked with a twinge of pain and anger. “We have a competition in three weeks and if Isaac wants to waste precious time on that stupid bimbo then that's fine!” Taylor spouted angrily. “Don't be that way Taylor... I know you love him, but he is lost in the fantasy that Michelle has a soul and cares about anyone but herself. He'll come around try not to get to mad at his immaturity.”
            “Ya I'll try, even though I'm angry enough to never speak with him again. She is not even that pretty!” The voice in Taylor's head screamed! Why her!? Taylor turned around to look at Brett and he  saw the little stream of water ready to run from both her eyes. He pulled her into his big build and held her for a few second until his emotions couldn't handle to adore her without her knowing. Pretending the feelings were not there was easy when she was not around, but when she was right there, hurting so badly from being deserted he couldn't help, but look at her with sympathy and love and bring her more time. Isaac may be his best friend, but but he was treating Taylor like dirt, which gave Brett mixed emotions do to the fact he loved her and she loved Isaac. He wanted to tell her, but how she had been talking about Isaac since fifth grade and he had never given her the time of day. There was always a prettier, skinnier girl he wanted more than Taylor, even though she was perfect.....”
            “Brett, Brett? Hello?” Brett let go of his embrace of Taylor and looked at her sweetly for only an instant as not to give her a hint. He slowly let go of shoulders while he looked at the floor as if he were guilty. Taylor hugged him one more time just to keep herself from bursting into tears. Brett squeezed her tight for a few more seconds wishing time would stop so he could build up the courage to ask her to be with him. All he wanted to do was everything and anything for Taylor. The embrace did not last and left Brett with a lump in his throat and a throb in his heart to have Taylor's soft figure in his arms. He loved her and he knew it, but she loved his best friend even though....”He's a jerk!” The words came out so fast and loud he couldn't take the words back. “You really think that?” Brett could tell she was partly angry, but also curious of why he had said the obvious out loud. Taylor slowly walked back towards him with suspicion and an uncontrollable impulse to kiss him for always being there, but that would admit her guilt of liking him foe so long. Taylor liked Isaac, but she knew she was falling in love with Brett even though her head said, “Taylor you don't need anyone to date, but you need Brett as your friend.” The bell suddenly rang leaving both of them speechless. She looked at him with a hurtful wanting and turned around quickly to hurry to class. Brett stood there unmoving with no words replacing Taylor's look in his mind over and over and
                                                                                              over again.
His sad expression broke his heart, but her wanting gave him hope that she could possibly like him.

Hey it's really bad, but get over it.

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