Friday, April 15, 2011

Eggstavagent Beauty

Hello Beautiful People. Here is an interesting thing that you should think about all the crazy things people do to create "different" forms of beauty

Our first look at this is something I found about Easter. There is a husband and wife that have been creating egg shell land for the past 53 years! Below I have included just one of the many pictures I found.
Photos of Egg Shell Land
Pretty interesting huh? Well I am not done yet with my intersting ways to show beauty.

Our next spectacle is the art of chalk, yes you heard me right chalk. This happens to be my favorite form of art that does not last because it is beautiful and more unique than any painting you can keep forever. First off I will attach one of my favorite music videos that has chalk art in it!
As you can see within the first thirty second you see a chalk drawing that is beautiful. I love chalk drawings because they are 3-D and are so cool to look at. Lets bring it back to Mary Poppins. Who as a kid did not want to be able to jump into a painting and experience a whole new world?

As you can see very time consuming and beautiful art.

Our last type of art is going to be snow art. If you live in a cold place where you see snow try some of these some time. I will attach some photos and a fe websites for you to check out have fun creating art that is better then the normal!
Let it Snow, Snow, Snow

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