Sunday, April 17, 2011

100 Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life Day 1

1. Don’t try to read other people’s minds

Just because you think you know other people may be thinking, you probably do not. We make life so complicated when we try to figure out what that girl thinks of me, am I too fat, or do I have enough muscle. Take the time to just be content in yourself and do what you enjoy doing. Today is palm Sunday. If you have not already gone to church, take some time to take the kids or your friends along, go to lunch and just be blessed today. Think about all the blessings in your life this week. Mine are my wonderful boyfriend, my beautiful roommates, and the opportunity to have a higher education in college. Speaking of college that is why I am writing this blog in order to get a grade. Sadly, or not sadly, I have become addicted and am going to try to do this once a day for anyone who wants to read it all summer.

Here is another thing to think about since I am talking about being in college
Which two are you going to pick. Well personally I chose Social Life and Good Grades because I know that those two are very important, but I have figured out how to beat the system. I always choose Good Grades and then some weeks I choose social life like staying up with my room mates giggling about boys, movies, and funny stories. Other weeks I choose sleep, which means I take a weekend off and sleep until I can no longer stay in bed. I quite enjoy both things and in order not to die I really like the weeks where I sleep.

My last thought before I go to sing in the school choir. Enjoy this week of Easter and the resurrection of Jesus because He came to save the world. Also as it comes closer and you wonder why we have bunnies and eggs look up old gods and the fertility goddess from Greece and Rome and maybe that will answer some questions for you. Have a great day!

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