Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lie to Me

Lie to Me is a fabulous show, but I have come across an article that tells one how to tell if someone is lying to you. However, here is the disclaimer from the article:

"Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss; after gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. The following deception detection techniques are often used by police, forensic psychologists, security experts and other investigators."

How to Detect Lies
If you click above you are more than welcome to read the article for yourself, but here I will give you a brief description of what was said and how you can use it to see if someone is lying to you.

There are several ways to tell if someone is lying to you:
  • Body Language
  • Emotional Gestures
  • Contradictions
  • Interactions And Reactions
  • Verbal Context and Content
Body Language can be very obvious when trying to detect lies. For example people who are lying to you will tend to use less hand gestures and the ones that are used will be towards themselves. They will also tend to touch their faces and try quite hard not to make eye contact.

With Emotional Gestures emotions do not use all the muscles in the face and the timing of the emotion is behind do to the fact that they have to think about it. A great example they use in the text is when someone says "I love you" you expect a smile, but when they frown you might want to evaluate why they are saying something that they do not mean.

Contradictions go hand-in-hand with emotional gestures. When one is saying something that they should be happy about, yet are frowning, you may want to address the issue.

With Interactions and Reactions people may subconsciously place items (such as books, coffee, et al) between themselves and you in order to feel more comfortable by the barrier. Another common thing is to turn one's head or body away from the accuser in order to "hide", they may also be defensive against your questions.

Verbal Context and Content is very important when deciding if someone is lying or not. The most interesting way to decipher whether someone is lying or not is how they answer if they did something or not. The article said that when someone uses a contraction they are more likely to be telling the truth. Unless of course they have read the article or something similar. :) Words may also be spoken softly and to many details will be added because they are uncomfortable with silence in the conversation.

Now you have all the facts you need to find out if someone is lying to you. Keep doing research and always look beyond what you can see.

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