Friday, April 15, 2011

Abundance of Poetry

Here are some poems that I have written to display yet another form of beauty through the art of words. 
Abundance of Poetry

Creatively Creative

We are using alliteration
Writing wearily with a westward turned eye
Contemplating the allocation
We give our minds about pumpkin pie
We live to give
Our poetry voice with no shy cry
Of how we live
And may someday ask why...


Although the light shown down
The delicate figure was never seen
Her eyes shone bright with the brilliant light
Yet there was no one there to see
The pretense she held to be the best she could be
Left her off in misery
Her eyes so bright
Her smile so fake
Created the mask
                                                              From which you take...

The Darkest Hopeful Day

In the darkness
Millions unseen
Left in darkness
Never to be seen
Given hope
Stripped away
Waiting for
That precious day

My Sweetheart

My sweetheart whom I cherish with your
Incredible smile you make me feel so
Childish with your cute antics. I can always count on your
Hugs to wipe away my tears. You
Astound me with all you do, forever and
Ever I promise you. With light in our eyes and
Love in our hearts forever.....


Having time to spend with hundreds of
OUTSTANDING people, leaving each person with a
Beautiful memory. Only
You can change the world


Never ending laughter while we
Include every memory in our smiling eyes.
Cherry flavored candies
Hugs when we cry about stupid boys who
Only want to hurt us.
Leaving each other behind, but we will never
End the friendship we hold dear.

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