Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Sunday

            Blank...filled with nothing lodged in a dark cabinet where no one sees. No change comes upon the morsel because of rejection from a world who thought it was not good enough to use. Beaten, battered, and a bit torn at the edges...forgotten...until light enters the overwhelming darkness to a kind face who takes a hold of the broken pieces and with a little tender loving care starts to create something beautiful. My relationship with Jesus is an interesting one filled with its ups and downs like any other relationship except I know this one is special. For the nights I lie awake crying and praying for the answers I need or the times I just have to pray because I am so overjoyed I just want to share it with Jesus. I am a creation in progress.
            I have grown up in a Christian home and have always heard the stories about Jesus and know all the Bible stories by heart. I accepted Christ as my personal savior on Easter of 1999. It's one of those moments that you remember for the rest of your life. Yellow dress, hair done up all to go see the annual Easter play at our church. I was eight years old with so many ambitions. I always told my parents I  wanted to become an imaginear for Disney so I could draw all the pictures for the movies I love so much, but I have learned over the years I am not the only one working on an art project in my life. God takes the paint brush and each experience, good and bad, is another brush stroke on the canvas of my life making and shaping my personality, character, and service to God in the way He wants. And even though we may see some of these strokes as a mistake after awhile we learn that they add depth to the person we are.
            God has challenged me in many different ways with family, friends, and school and these different situations have made me the person I am today. When I paint I always try to come up with the best idea for a painting even if it does not make a lot of sense to the people around me, because it usually does not. God does the same thing, by knowing the plans He has for me (Jer. 29:11) He already knows how I will be at the end and every struggle and smile that will go along with making me the person He wants me to be.
            It is a colorful world we live in and color makes all the difference. We see the good in people, we see the bad in people, and we see both in ourselves. We spend so much of our life trying to place everything in a black or white category we forget to look at the color around us. The work that God does in my life and in others life brings out the true colors we seem to dismiss. God always knows when to provide for me and to place the right people in my life at the exact right time in order to teach me lessons and help me along the way.
            The brushes, paint, and color placed on the canvas create a beautiful array of attributes pleasing to the eye, but also pleasing to the heart. As a creation of God I want to be able to be seen as beautiful through Jesus, but also be able to tell people about the love I have been given and the love they can receive. Almost finished, but still some work to be done the kind face keeps working on the painting He has dedicated to finish

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